Auto receive funds
Automatically receive and convert funds from other countries and currencies
Some customers can automatically receive funds from overseas. Meaning, if we detect an overseas deposit to the Flash Payments controlled bank account(s) then we can automatically create an inbound payment, convert funds, and top up your Flash Payments balance with AUD.
Note! In case of sub-clients, they must have full real world address. Don't skip any fields while creating those in our system. Also, you must send money from the bank account on your (or your sub-client's) name. Also, sometimes but not always, the payment must have the payment reference we told you. See below.
Here is how it looks step by step.
We would need to enable the foreign currency auto-receiving feature for you.
You, or your Sub-client, would have a special bank account in, say, SEPA zone. Find the details below.
The account number and payment reference depends on the currency and country you wish to deposit to. E.g. the EUR currency account is usually a British IBAN (starts with "GB").
You, or your Sub-client, would deposit money to it. Make sure to submit the exact payment reference we told you! Otherwise, your funds will be returned.
The Flash Payments would detect the account funding event and automatically create a EUR->AUD payment for you.
You would receive at least two webhook notifications -
.Your Flash Payments AUD balance would increase accordingly.
To find which foreign currency bank account you would need to deposit to, please go to the FlashConnect and find there the list of inbound currencies we support and the corresponding bank account numbers. It's called the "Funding Accounts" throughout the user interface.
Tip. You can simulate and test an international inbound payment with the FlashConnect tool in the UAT environment. Just go to the FX Payments page and click "SEND TEST INBOUND PAYMENT". Additionally, you can test an international inbound payment sent by your sub-client in the UAT. Just go to the Sub-clients page, find the sub-client, and click "SEND TEST INBOUND PAYMENT".
To find out the Funding Accounts via API please use the fundingAccounts
You should deposit your foreign currency to:
Your sub-clients should deposit their foreign currency to:
Last updated
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