Generate Virtual Account Numbers for your clients for collection
The sub-client (aka merchant) feature allows you to create client accounts for deposit collection purposes. They can be issued for individuals as well as companies or other organisations.
Note: This feature is OFF by default. Contact us if you want it.
Each sub-client will receive a dedicated BSB and account number that you or your clients can use to accept domestic AUD transfers within Australia. The account name is your sub-client's name. For companies - it's their tradingAsName or legalName. For individuals - it's their fullName (firstName + middleName + lastName).
Warning: The account number can only process local transfers, no SWIFT/RTGS.
All deposits sent to your sub-client Virtual Account Number (VAN) are booked on your (master-client's) account balance. Sub-clients can't have their own balances.
Notifications via webhooks will provide important sub-client information as well.
Creating a sub-client
This action creates a real account number. If you ever submit fake, unreal, testing, or incorrect data - you will be immediately blocked from Flash Payments services.
Please add all possible precautions, processes, staff training, warning messages, and validation checks to you system(s) before creating a sub-client.
Please follow our latest requirements for the proper sub-client data submission:
Provide properfirstNameandlastName
Provide propermobilenumber
Provide proper dob:the person must be under 65 years of age
Provide proper residential address including unit and street number. The sub-client address should correspond to your approved use case from the contract. By default you're only allowed to have local Australian sub-accounts. Any non-Australian entities will undergo an extended due dilligence based on their location and industry relevance for Flash Payments.
Provide properidDoc (type, docNumber and issuer)based on the sub-client contact person address. For Australian residents either driver’s license or passport are accepted. For non-Australian residents only passport is accepted as a document type. Also, this should be a foreign passport ID, not local.
Sometimes we ask our partners to provide “instructing institution” information, but only in case you are creating this VAN on behalf of another financial institution. More about institutions here. You may provide the ID of the already created institution via the field instructingInstitutionId or as a full object via the instructingInstitution field.
There are two types of sub-clients: company and individual.
For every company registered as a sub-client there must be one contact person individual data submitted. Ideally the contact person should be a company director or have similar role. Therefore, if you are creating a sub-client of the company type, we require you to provide extradetails:
legalName - company legal name
businessNumber - company business number (e.g ABN in Australia)
If the above fields are not set, the sub-client will be created as individual type.
Note: The above personal data submission requirements should be as equally followed for the company contact person with an exception of address property, which can be a company address in this case.
You can find the description of each field in the GraphQL API schema.
mutation { createSubClient( input: {legalName: "Chineese Tradings"businessNumber: "330782000329701"firstName: "John"lastName: "Smith"email: ""mobile: "+61422832849"dob: "1979-05-12"address: {building: "25"street: "Xihu Road, Yuexiu District"suburb: "Guangzhou City"state: "Guangdong Province"postcode: "510030"country: CN }idDoc: {type: passportdocNumber: "FF1948394"issuer: "AU" }externalId: "991188227733" } ) { success code message subClient { id legalName businessNumber fullName clientType status primaryContact { firstName lastName email mobile dob } address { country } bsb accountNo externalId # more properties available, see API schema } }}
You can also disable and activate sub-clients. Deposits sent to a disabled sub-client will no longer be booked against your balance.
Disabling a sub-client
mutation { disableSubClient(id: "606128f24bf29139b2cf74ef") { success code message subClient { id status } }}
{"data": {"disableSubClient": {"success":true,"code":"SUCCESS","message":"Sub-client was successfully disabled","subClient": {"id":"606128f24bf29139b2cf74ef","status":"DISABLED" } } }}
Activating a sub-client
mutation { activateSubClient(id: "606128f24bf29139b2cf74ef") { success code message subClient { id status } }}
{"data": {"activateSubClient": {"success":true,"code":"SUCCESS","message":"Sub-client was successfully activated","subClient": {"id":"606128f24bf29139b2cf74ef","status":"ACTIVE" } } }}
Available queries
Query for a single sub-client
{ subClient(id: "606d28675a2d931bc925fec2") { id fullName legalName tradingAsName clientType status primaryContact { firstName middleName lastName email dob mobile } address { building street suburb state country postcode } postalAddress { building street suburb state country postcode } businessNumber bsb accountNo externalId fundingAccounts(input: { currencies: [EUR, USD, HKD, CNY] }) { iban accountNo bic currency externalReference } }}
{ # more filters available, see SubClientQueryInput in API schema subClients( input: {clientType: INDIVIDUALstatus: ACTIVEfirstName: "John"lastName: "Smith"address: { country: AU } } ) { id fullName clientType status primaryContact { firstName lastName } address { country } }}
At this point you can udpate the externalId propery only because each sub-client is effectively a Virtual Account Number which can recieve and send domestic funds.